Friday, May 25, 2012


“It's not about perfect. It's about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that's where transformation happens. That's how change occurs.” ― Jillian Michaels

“They” say that you can never go home again.

Man, “they” sure do seem to talk a lot, but maybe that’s why we get along.

It’s partly true though, once you have completely moved out of your parent’s house and away from whatever you defined as home growing-up, it’s never really the same going back. Those who have stayed are changing, don’t mistake me, but you are changing too and more importantly, without them. As a former piece of that puzzle you never really fit back into place, at least not perfectly, like a side got bent; nevertheless being home this past weekend, even just for the day, felt good. Better than it has for years. There was no guilt associated with being gone, mine or theirs.

I think the aging of us, the success and failure of relationships, the weddings, the houses, the babies, the experiences, the disagreements, the misunderstandings, the years have put things into perspective for everyone. You are friends with people for a reason. Sometimes that reason weathers the storm, and sometimes it doesn’t, but it feels good if you can find it again.

Basically, what I am saying is sometimes what you really need is to have a good yack in your best friend’s parent’s front yard in route to a semi-formal baby shower to cleanse the toxins and really bring you back to the basics.

In related news, don’t ever drink Avery’s Beast.


But as I prepare for one of the busiest months to date, I am getting more and more excited at the opportunity to spend quality time over the next four weekends with those closest to me, whether formerly or currently... making moments movie montages cream over.

When I happened upon that particular quote earlier this week, it was just the mantra I had been searching for to kick start my second week of CrossFit, but as the days went on, and thoughts of the weekend passed through my head, I realized it applies to so much more. Life isn’t so much about perfection but more the effort you put into it.

Or maybe all the blood has fled my head, and I am just talking crazy. SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!

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