Friday, April 27, 2012

Lizaster #782

Signing up for a 10K and then proceeding to not train for the aforementioned 10K.

Two blog posts down and I feel like I haven’t properly introduced myself. I believe you will find it’s easier to think of Lizaster as more of a way of life.

A Lizaster is when you finally recognize that your shacker instincts and kleptomaniac ways have left your boyfriend shorts-less. Poor guy, legs deserve to breathe too. So being the caring wonderful partner you are, you kindly wash and return the impressive collection of basketball shorts. Later, while beaming with pride over your selflessness (best girlfriend ever!), you watch as he excitedly looks through the stack of folded shorts, still warm from the dryer. As his excited smile (the kind you can only get when something old feels new again) begins to fade, you realize the pair he is currently holding up to examine are in fact someone else’s shorts.



Not everyone could have found the humor in Shortsgate 2011. If I hadn’t already figured it out prior to that moment, I would say this is when I realized just how lucky I really am to have him in my life. I definitely found the one for my Lizaster lifestyle.

It is important to note that with these happenings there is typically an opportunity for something great, and usually like the one above it comes in the form of an amusing story. Life is too short to not be amused by it all. In the case of Lizaster #782 it’s an opportunity to reconnect with the ex-wife (AKA former roommate). Life and other bullshit can sometimes muddy the waters when it comes to the important stuff like friendships, it will be nice to catch-up with her and get back to those Lizaster basics, laughter over life’s innocent mishaps. And that's one department The Dollhouse always excelled in... that, and shorts collection.

Plus, nothing bonds two people more than feeling like your body is falling apart limb-by-limb, piece-by-piece, right?

But in the words of G-Unit, Get Rich or Die Trying, it takes a Hustler's Ambition, and I am ready to hustle... or die trying.

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