Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I think I may have uncovered one of the great questions of the blog ages... when you can discuss anything you want, how do you choose?

Turns out, in my case, you just don't. I have been wrestling with what to blog about since the BANG BANG incident a few weeks ago. At first I just figured it was blog bashfulness, but now I fear it is full-on writer’s block. And truly I don’t think the blog has much to do with it, just an unexpected causality in an underlying personal battle. I guess I shouldn’t throw around casual BANG BANGS without expecting a few to ricochet.

I recently found out that my position could be landing on the chopping block soon. At this point it is hard to say for sure what is happening, as the story changes from person-to-person, day-to-day, but needless to say, I have been an application machine. Screw dreaming in color, I dream in cover letters now. Who knew so much could ride on a few little paragraphs? But no pressure really, it’s just your livelihood. I think my dear friend Steve might have the right of it.

“To Whom it May Concern,

My name is Liz. I will rock your shit. Feel free to contact me with any questions you have.


Liz Murray”

Who knows, it could work. Who could forget a cover letter like that? I know I wouldn’t… and with ten applications submitted to no real avail, I just might hit that “shock value” point soon. Watch out Champaign-Urbana search committees, you are in for a treat.

Either way, “they” say you should write something… anything to get the juices flowing-- and you know “they” are never wrong -- so welcome to the juices portion of the presentation.

Also, welcome back to the skimmers out there.

As you no doubt have noticed by now, I chose a radio as my background. That was no coincidence. It has been officially a year since I left full-time radio. I never knew I could miss something so incredibly much, it’s like a part of me is missing. Now, don't get me wrong, as with anything in life, there are certainly aspects that I do not miss about the job, but at the base of it I could always count on a few things to be true. I loved the people I worked with (funny bastards), I loved the feeling of being behind that microphone (exhilarating), and I knew I was good at my job (most days). That feeling of pride and consequently confidence in myself is what I miss the most of all.

It was also a safe bet that no day would be without a good belly laugh or two, tears and all. Who knew humor was the key to good mental health? Another question for the ages unearthed. MAN, I am on a roll today, someone buy me a lottery ticket stat! No seriously, hooking could be in my future. Jokes! Maybe.

Hard to say if humor has anything to do with my writer’s block, I would actually probably say it doesn’t at all. Outside of work, I am very lucky to be surrounded by some hilarious characters who keep me cracking jokes daily. I think the real issue is my seemingly misplaced confidence, but I will find it. It’s just hiding in that new exciting opportunity yet to be discovered and I think we both can see I am acquiring quite a knack for uncovering things!

And if I am truly at risk of losing my chops, that is simply a loss I refuse to accept. Instead I am fighting back, blogs up! And I AM from Decatur. Decatur, where it is greater baby.

I know that to be true because a rap song told me so. Thank you Lloyd and Weezy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the days of working on the radio until 12am and chatting with me for hours during your show. You were quit the multi-tasker...and quite talented behind the mic!
